July 26, 2012

How often do you brush?

How often should you see your General Dentist?

It is recommended that you see your dentist every six months for regular cleanings. During that visit, your dentist will check your teeth for tooth decay, evaluate the health of your gums, check for any indicators of oral cancer, and clean your teeth. If you aren’t practicing good oral hygiene habits, plaque and tartar can build up and cause gum disease and other related problems.

Does your orthodontist take care of your cleanings at your scheduled visits?

 No, your orthodontist will not do cleanings or provide you with the same services that your general dentist does, so it is very important to still schedule visits with your dentist while in braces. If you are having trouble keeping up good oral hygiene with braces on, we recommend scheduling cleanings every three months with your dentist.

 What happens when you are not brushing properly with braces on?

 -White spots and discoloration of the teeth

 -Swelling of gum tissue
     Gums may bleed or become infected and begin to swell. Sometimes the gums will                     even grow over the brackets! This is very uncomfortable to remove the gums from the bracket.

-Tooth decay/cavities


Here is a helpful tip to keep your teeth clean in between dental visits:

Practice Dr. Frigo’s 30 Minute Rule! Dr. Frigo’s 30 Minute Rule states that you must brush your teeth within 30 minutes of eating or drinking anything. This prevents bacteria from forming on the teeth from left over food particles. If bacteria forms and stays on the teeth, it will excrete acid that will form holes or cavities in the teeth! To prevent that from happening, always brush within 30 minutes!

Watch this video below to see what happens when you don't brush well with braces on! 


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