June 15, 2012

Emergency... or not?

In orthodontics, there are no "true" emergencies. In today's blog, I will go over a few common issues that patients in braces experience that can easily be tended to in your own home! Yes, at home! Obviously braces are going to be uncomfortable. It's not a naturally occurring part of your body, so moving teeth to make them straight will make you sore on occassion. If you're sore, you can take over the counter anti-inflammatory drug,s such as ibuprofen or motrin as directed. If gums are sore, gargle with warm salt water and brush harder. Most of the time when gums are in pain, it is a result of not brushing well, so brush your teeth well!

Sometimes what we call a "wire-poke" will occur. This is a sign of progress and let's us know that the teeth are moving like they should. If there is a small amount of wire poking, use wax on the end of the wire tip, or take a pencil eraser to push it back into a comfortable position. In some cases, you can even clip the end with fingernail clippers. Sterlize them please!

Brackets can come off too. If you have eaten something or done something to cause the bracket to come off, please be honest with your orthodontist. We need to know what caused the bracket to come off. If a bracket in the very back comes off or is loose, it is not an emergency. Just place it in a ziploc bag and bring it to your next appointment to have it re-bonded. 

Not everyone has them, but if you wear a powerchain and it comes off, it is not a big deal! We can also fix this at your next appointment if it isn't more than a month out. If you are missing a "color" which is the colored plastic piece around the bracket, do not fret! Colors serve no purpose in straightening your teeth. They are just for fun! If a color comes off, your orthodontist can put a new one on at your next appointment.

Wear your rubberbands! If they come off, they can easily be put back on and we can mail elastics to you or have you pick them up at the office anytime! If you can't remember how to wear your rubberbands, call your orthodontist and have the assistant talk you through it. Easy fix.

Last, but not least, SPRINGS! If you wear springs and they come off or break, call your orthodontist! Springs need to be fixed within a day or two of breaking.
Obviously, if you are experiencing extreme discomfort, call your orthodontist immediately.

I hope that these tips help and can prevent emergency appointments for YOU! Until next time...floss, brush, and take care of your braces!

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